Online giving is available by clicking the blue icon on the bottom right hand corner of our website. For online giving, we partner with Rebel Give because we believe 100% of your tithes and offerings should go to the church. What givers don't know is that most online giving platforms take a percent off your tithe and offering to cover convenience fees. This means your gift will never fully be given to the church. Rebel Give seeks to turn that around by asking the church to pay a monthly subscription fee, so the full tithe is received; however, this means if you use a credit card to give online, you will be charged a convenience fee.

Yet, if you use your bank account to give, you will not be charged a convenience fee since the church is paying a monthly subscription. If you plan to regularly give online, we encourage you to sign up for a free Rebel Give account, so you can keep track of how much you have given, control when you give, and receive a giving report at the end of the year for tax purposes. For more information about online giving, click here to visit 

We also recognize there may be some who are uncomfortable with giving online. If this is you, no worries. You can still give by mailing your tithe to the church's secure P.O. BOX at:

Crestview Baptist Church

5003 Walzem Rd.

Box 538

San Antonio, TX 78218

Thank you for your willingness to advance God's kingdom through your tithes and offerings.